Mr R Rajaram receiving the award from Mr M K Stalin, Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu Mr Rajaram Ramasubban, Registrar, National
Mr R Rajaram, advisor to the Tamil Language council, talks about the ‘Tamil Language Festival Spearheaded by the Tamil Language
D. R. Kaarthikeyan is a farmer-turned, lawyer-turned, senior police officer-turned, Human Rights activist-turned, promoter of Inter-faith Harmony and environmentalist. He
Mr Rajkumar Chandra, owner of the Jothi store & flower shop, a household name, and advisor to LiSHA (Little India
Mr Vikram Nair is the Member of Parliament for the Sembawang GRC. In this interview, he talks about his formative
Mr Aroomugam Parasuramen, a democratic leader from Mauritius was born to serve people. The results of his achievements have an
1. Please introduce yourself to our readers I am Dr. B. Ramanathan, Founder and Managing Director of ACE International Pte
Aarthie Ramaswamy – January 1st, 2000 Aarthie Ramaswamy, 20 years old, who resides in Chennai is a ‘world under 18
Interview with Mr Arun Mahizhnan, Member, SGBicentennial Adivsory Committee Introduction History unravels various experiences of the past, and suggests directions for
Mr Abdul Jaleel with Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore during SINDA’s Project Give 2018 Mr Abdul