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Other Jokes 5

Other Jokes 5 – July 1st, 2004 A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while


Other Jokes 3

Jokes 3 – January 1st, 2005 God was in the process of creating the Universe. He explained to his sub


Other Jokes 6

Jokes 6 – April 1st, 2005 Two udurwanas are in a railway station. “Can I take this train to Ludhiana?”


Other Jokes 4

Other jokes 4 – July 1st, 2005 Notice in airline agency in Copenhagen: We take your bags and send them


Travel Jokes2

[w8_row margin_bottom=”30px”] [w8_column type=”col-md-6″]« Travel Jokes1[/w8_column] [w8_column type=”col-md-6″][/w8_column] [/w8_row] Travel Jokes2 – April 1st, 2006 3 INDIANS and 3 FRENCH


Travel Jokes1

[w8_row margin_bottom=”30px”] [w8_column type=”col-md-6″][/w8_column] [w8_column type=”col-md-6″] Travel Jokes2 »[/w8_column] [/w8_row] Travel Jokes1 – October 4th, 2011 1. When udurwana was travelling


Conversation Jokes 4

Conversation Jokes 4 – April 1st, 2003 Udurwana ordered a pizza and the clerk asked if he should cut it


Conversation Jokes 1

Conversation Jokes 1 – July 1st, 2003 Master asks the peon to go and get a mosquito net from the


Conversation Jokes 2

Conversation  Jokes 2 – October 1st, 2003 Master asks the peon to go and get a mosquito net from the


Conversation Jokes 3

Conversation  Jokes 3 – October 1st, 2003 1. There was a husband and his wife sitting next to a drunk