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KAMA 1981 – January 1st, 2006

There are a number of events and functions being organized. Every function has an intention to either publicize, enrich something, honor someone or to exchange views.

This function was different from all the above. “This event was in remembrance and to honor the school teachers from the old students – KAMA 1981”. They had left the school some twenty five years ago. This event not only was a reunion for the old students, who had come with their families, but was also a function filled with emotions for the viewers too.

They are the old students of Alagappa Model Higher Secondary School in Karaikudi, a town in the Deep South Tamil Nadu.

So, what was the catalyst that made ‘KAMA-1981’ organize such an event?

Organizer Mr. SP. Lakshmanan said that the Alumni Association Meeting takes place every year, where we all meet. As it was silver Jubilee Year, we wanted to commemorate the efforts of our teachers and to do something memorable and result-yielding in the long run. So, we came with a decision to honor our teachers and to plant some trees in the school and to maintain them. Slowly number of ideas came through. So, we also decided to contribute some desk and chairs to the school.

Not only ideas came through but also funds that are an important source to run an event also came through, which made things feasible. With all our collective ideas and efforts, we could make it possible!

The function took place on the 24th of December 2005 in the Alagappa University Auditorium around 10-30 a.m. The former Principal Mr. Narayanan Chettiar, Mr. William Durai Raj, The current Principal Ms. Christiana, Dr. R.Dhandayuthapani, the Registrar, Alagappa University, Former student Mr. MP.Ramasamy all lighted the lamp. Mr. SP.Lakshmanan delivered the Welcome Address, which was then followed by the speeches from the Registrar and the principals. Then all the teachers were honored and the function came to an end with the Lunch. The whole programme was conducted by Mr. RM.Subramanian. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mr.AR.Valliappan.

It was a very memorable moment for the KAMA – 1981 who where there until 8-00p.m, in the evening, with their families having fun and recollecting the old memories. They also visited their old class rooms.

The teachers deserved these honors, who are the proud producers of the doctors, engineers, auditors, scientists, journalists, businessmen of “KAMA – 1981”who are not only rendering their services in India but also in Overseas.”

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