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Breath – Our First Connection to Life – June 5th, 2014

Dr Arut Siva
Medi Therapie Pte Ltd
44 Kim Keat Road
Singapore 328817
T : 65 – 6883 2345
M :65 – 9844 0090

Breath – Our first connection to life. Off three vital elements necessary for life Breath (Air) is primordial followed by Water and Food. We can go without food for 30 to 90 days or even months and without water for few days but we cannot live 3 minutes without breath else death is certain. We have seen Yogis living without food and water for many decades but not without breathing. Baba PrahladJani, also known as “Mataji”, (born ChunriwalaMataji, 13 August 1929) is an Indian sadhu. He is living without food and water since 1940, and solely depends on deep, slow and rhythmic breathing to sustain life since 1940. Besides longevity, deep rhythmic breathing with abdominal contraction and expansion with every exhale and inhale breath provides many benefits to health and healing. Slow, Steady and Deep breathing gives the clarity and calmness, reduce stress and anxiety. Breathing can also eliminate toxins trapped in the lungs. Breathing can increase your blood circulation and plays a very important role in modulating and regularizing the body’s rhythms related to sleep, digestion and other core functions. The expansion and contraction of muscles with full deep breathing assists the lymph in its cleansing process. Lymph is the sewage system of our body helping to eliminate waste.
Our modern life style very much affects our natural rhythmic breathing. Most of us do not do deep breathing. Most times it is shallow breathing without any abdominal and chest muscle movement at all. Without oxygen our cells starve and there is no oxygen for our body to burn together with sugar. Due to this person starts to put on weight. The logic is simple. In olden days when people use fire made out of wood for cooking they always use a pipe to blow oxygen for the fire to burn faster. The same logic goes for our body too. If there is not enough oxygen our body cannot burn fats by using sugar as fuel. Fats starts to accumulate around our body and then you go on various weight loss programs and products and it is a vicious cycle. The best solution for weight loss is to learn to breath slowly, steadily with abdominal muscle movements. With every inhalation the abdomen should expand and with every exhalation the abdomen should contract. If you train your body in this manner it will slowly start to burn of excess fats and also provides calmness, reduce stress and anxiety.

As most people are busy it is not always necessary to dedicate a separate time for deep breathing. Best is to make it as part of your daily activity. There are lots of ways you can incorporate deep breathingas part of your daily routine. When watching TV place your consciousness on deep breathing and enjoy a slow rhythmic breath. While travelling again we can be conscious of our breath. Dedicating a time for meditation is also an excellent opportunity to practice deep breathing. Tune in to slow and classical music and enjoy breathing slowly together with music. Also when lying on bed before a good night rest focus on your breath for some time until you melt into your sleep.

Also deep breathing helps to fill your body with oxygen. Dis-eases like Cancer cannot sustain in an anaerobic environment.
Noble prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg .Dr. Warburg has devoted his life to study the causes of cancer.”All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.” Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

Some Benefits of Deep Breathing are :-

1. Deeply massages all the organs of the body.

2. Increases oxygenation and circulation of the blood.

3. Relaxes sympathetic nervous system.

4. Drives energy throughout the body.

5. Expands Lung Capacity.

6. A positive and delightful way to tune into yourself.

7. Warms the body in a gentle, safe way.

9. Releases tension and toxins all over the body

10. Alkalinizes the body

11. Promotes restful sleep and aids digestion and elimination of waste in your body.

There are much more benefits of deep breath. For all these and many more reasons, please practice deep breathing every day for at least 15 to 30 minutes daily, or more.

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