Sing-Ind Voice

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Singapore, a multi-racial country in South East Asia currently celebrated the ‘Tamil Language Festival’. 

The Tamil Language Council has to be lauded for its efforts in spearheading the festival with its partners for the sixteenth year that can create more avenues for all sections of Tamil Society to celebrate and enrich the language.

Tamil Language Council was formed in 2000.  The TLC comprises representatives from the education sector, major community organisations, arts groups and the media. 

This year, the festival is took place from 1st April to 1st Mayon the theme ‘Innovation’, with 44 programmes featuring drama, music, competition, talk etc…predominantly on virtual platforms.

These programs will encourage everyone to ‘Love Tamil, Speak Tamil’, embrace their mother tongue, and use the language at home and in their daily lives,” said Mr S Manogaran, Chairman of the Tamil Language Council.

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