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Important Human Values – July 1st, 2003

In this uncertain world, “disorder is seen widespread.” Many a time culprits flourish and innocents are victimized. This make people get confused as, ‘what is life’? To succeed in life, one has to adhere to a healthy life style. Below are some suggestions.


Irrespective of their race, creed and community, people worship God. People’s belief in “Super Natural Power” gives them immense confidence. It relieves their fear of this world’s uncertainty. Seeking the will of god , Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. Man’s greatest power lies in the power of prayer.” Apart from worshipping, people should also try and put in their effort, to be successful. As there is a famous proverb which agrees to the above statement, ‘God throws food but not in your nest.


A man who treats a man as a man is a man. Read much but not many. Everyone has their own pros and cons. So try to accept people as how they are. Without friends, this world can be empty. So, give respect and get respect. Try to give your time to others, and be gentle and caring.


Money is most important in life. But Life is more than just earning money. Always give importance to man than money. Finding ways to earn money is equally important as to how to save it and spend it in the right way. Man is respected for his characteristics, and not just because he is wealthy. So money is just an important part of life, which gives incentives to aspire more.


Smile costs nothing but matters much. It has a great value. Never fail to have a smiling face. The best way to impress strangers will be through your smile. It is a greater implication that you care for them. What ever the disease may be smile and laughter is the best medicine.


Life is short and so enjoy the every part of it. One must take life as it comes. Life is multitude of changes. So, adapting according to the situation is necessary. Without changes, life will become stagnant. What ever happens, instead of brooding over the past one should plan the future substantially. Joy and sorrow are interacted. Life is a pendulum that oscillates between joy and sorrow. People will relish the success only after they undergo a lean patch. So do not get failures dwindle you.k


Confidence is the most important to be successful. It is a greater strength that enables people to upgrade themselves. It is a blessing in disguise to be involved with confident people. It is important to be confident of yourself, so that there are no chances for people to misguide. Developing one’s self esteem and confidence are essential.


Success comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals. It is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep on trying with positive mental attitude. Don’t blame anyone for your lack of success. Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things for what you don’t want. Everyone possess their own skills and talents. So, first find out your talent. To achieve anything worth in life, it is necessary to set goals and work on it optimistically and try to cross the barriers that intrude. Then one can enjoy the success soon.


Failure is the stepping stone for success. Never be afraid of failures. Making attempts each time you fail will lead you to success .Failure is a bend and not the end of life. It is not that one should never fall but always remember our greatest glory lies in getting up every time you fall. One good idea followed by action can change failure into success.


Fear is a demon. It erodes one’s confidence slowly. Fearful people are soulless and they are the worst bankrupt in the world. If we are sure of what we do, then there is no room for fear to crop in. So develop yourself in the field you are and be confident and clear.


a) Be Cheerful always.

b) Be an active listener.

c) Ask others good ritual questions like ,where are you from?

d) Tell someone or something you like or admire with her.

e) Remember a man’s name is the most important and sweet to him.

f) Try to talk in terms of other man’s interest.

g) If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically.

h) Try to be sympathetic with other man’s view.

i) Show respect to other man’s view.

j) Never tell a man he is wrong.

k) Always remember to smile at a person.

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