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Tofu and Sprouts Curry – January 1st, 2004


Tofu: 1 Cube.
Sprouts: 200gms.
Onion: 1 (big)
Tomato: 1 (big)
Garlic: 3 flakes
Oil: 3 tsps.
Masala Powder: To the taste
Salt: To the taste


Cut the Tofu into small cubes, wash and keep it aside.
Pinch out the tip of the sprouts.
Cut onions and tomatoes into dices.
Smash the garlic with the skin(do not grind)
Now heat the khadai in the burner and pour the oil.
Fry the onion, tomatoes, garlic and the sprouts one after another.
When the sprouts are one third cooked, add the masala powder.
When everything blends well and cooked add the tofu.
Now add the salt.
Stir well gently.
Once everything blends together, switch off the burner.

Serve with chapattis and barottas.

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