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Stuffed Brinjal Kurma – October 5th, 2011


Brinjal – ¼ kg
Red gram dhal – 1 tbsp
Uradh dhal – 1 tbsp
Bengal gram dhal- 1 tbsp
Red chillies – 4
Jeera – ½ tsp
Salt – to taste
Onions – 2 (chopped)
Ginger – small psc
Garlic – 2 flake


Roast the dhals, jeera and grind all ingredients except brinjal, together into a thick paste. Pour little tamarind juice into it.

For gravy

Jeera – 1 tsp
Mustard – ½ tsp
Ginger – small psc
Green chilli – 2
Red chilli – 3
Pepper – ½ tsp
Tamarind juice – little
Turmeric powder- ½ tsp
Garlic – 5-6 flakes
Onions – 1
Mint leaves – few
Curry leaves – few
Corriander lvs – few
Lemon juice – 1 drop
Sugar – pinch


Half cut brinjals into 8 strips. Stuff the ground masala inside the divisions. After stuffing the masala, tie the tip of the brinjal with a normal small piece of thread. Leave it aside. Now, heat some oil in a shallow pan. Now fry the tied brinjal into the pan one by one till it turns into golden brown colour. (The thread is tied to the stuffed brinjal so that, the masala does not get dropped off. The thread comes out automatically, when it is done. If not,remove off the thread). For the gravy, grind all the ingredients with water. Boil the gravy till it becomes thick, then add the fried brinjals to the gravy.

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