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Siddha 2 – January 1st, 2010

J . Princess BSMS
V. Muthulakshmi BSMS
S. Nazeera Bhanu BSMS
320, Serangoon Road,
#04-18, Serangoon Plaza,
Singapore – 218108.

Siddha and other natural sciences

The Siddha system has its own science based on yogic experience. Whereas other natural sciences has been formulated based on external research. Ancient Siddhars talk of thousands of herbs and their healing dimensions. All in all, the Siddhars have spoken of approximately 4448 diseases afflicting human beings and the respective lines of treatment for each disease. Of course, it may not have had gadgetry science (modern science), but they have an indigenous rationality and perceptive insights that until now remain elusive to the modern gadgets and techno theories.


One may wonder how effective can Siddha Medicine be in Today’s world. The word ‘effective’ itself has turned fuzzy. How we define effective today is: fast not holistic. We, as new age humans have acquired a strong conditioning and growing anxiety for getting fast and instant relief. We are not really bothered about lasting effects of healing or the growth of natural healer within each of us. But, the Siddha system is equal in both – fast and lasting relief.
There is popular saying in Tamil Nadu ‘Virunthum Marunthum moonru naal’, meaning ‘The feast and medicine is only for three days’. It indicates that the ancient Tamil people found relief from disease in only three days. So, Siddha medicine can work fast and effectively in its Pharmaco-dynamic properties. Depending on the situation, on the disease and on the person’s constitution, Siddha medicine is administered as ‘emergency medicine’ or ‘course medicine’.
It is also the best medicine for chronic ailments

Already, Siddha medicines are famous in India for curing chronic and fatal diseases such as Cancer, H.I.V, Rheumatism, Infertility etc… The Tamil Nadu Government has opened up in each city a government clinic that offers free Siddha medicinal consultation and treatment for anybody suffering chronic diseases.
During the recent outbreak of Chinkinkuniya, The Tamil Nadu Govt had recommended the usage of Nilavembu Kasayam at all the Govt Hospitals as a cure for the disease. Nilavembu is one of the best proven herb effective against all major viral diseases.
Many of the Siddha medicines are currently under

so-called scientific research. The Tamil Nadu government has a research centre based in Chennai that standardizes the quality of Siddha medicines. Many reports have already been submitted to the Indian Medicinal Council, speaking of the successful clinical TRIALS OF SIDDHA FORMULATION. In ancient times, science was concerned with basic human problems and its prevention, not with a material nature.

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