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Mrs Nalla Palaniappan

I am greatly privileged to have witnessed the preparation effort very closely, for creating a magnificent Rangoli for Singapore Book of  records by my friend, Sudha Ravi and her daughter Rakshitha.

It all started by a phone call from her on a Monday morning, asking if we could design the e-invitation for the record she was going to create for the Singapore book of records.

I was marveled by the magnitude of the work she was engaged in and I could see my mind and thought drifting towards it instantly. I could prognosticate that she was going to add pride to the women community by this great achievement with her passion for colors.

I was awed by the theme she had chosen for the record – The Singapore Skyline for the Rangoli !! – only Sudha Ravi can think of such unique and intricate designs.

It was not only an art, but a Science too.

Measurements were taken, the sketch was drawn and scaled out to calculate the amount of rice needed, the amount of each color and glitters needed and she had also gone to the extent of planning different accessories to be used for each part of the rangoli during execution.

The 3000 Sq. feet art that all of us saw on the 28th of July, was a collaborative effort taken over a few months. Planning the colors for the design, procuring the necessaries from all different sources, grinding the rice, mixing the colors with it, processing, storing and preserving them well….was all no easy task. It was 600 kgs of rice, 50 kgs of colors, 20 kgs of glitters… all made to proportion.

Just as how Sudha is blessed with talent, she being an amazing person, is also blessed with great friends who helped her all her way in this humongous preparation of the colour blends.

As Mrs.Soundaranayaki Vairavan, a Narrator, had mentioned in the award ceremony that evening, “There is always a woman behind a successful man, and here there was a man behind this successful Lady”. Mr.Ravi, Sudha’s husband was an incredible support right thru her endeavor.

She had also choreographed 2 fascinating videos for the e-invitation that made us all anticipate the great day with excitement….

Here comes the great day….

It was a massive job to have been completed within a few hours…. Covering 3000 sq. feet with intricate designs,  using amazing colors and adding borders and glitters to all the designs out there, within a stipulated time is definitely not easy… having witnessed the mother and daughter create the beautiful art, painstakingly, makes me understand how much of passion and determination they must be holding within themselves to complete this amazing task and create the record.

I should call it “Burning Aspiration” !!

We have seen people creating large rangolis as a group but this was by a DUO ! Can you believe it ?  20 m x 14 m – two of them had to do it INCH by INCH !!!!

Having all of us around reminding and haunting them, “Time is running… please hurry up…faster…..” even when we knew they would hate us for that, at least only  for that moment….

The little girl was amazing. I have no words to describe her determination.

Her father was there with her right thru, just hanging around her and motivating her, “You are doing a great job… Just a little more, that’s it… “, when both of them knew that there was so much more to go…. his words were so comforting and pulled her right thru…. After about 1/2 of the rangoli was completed, her body could not take the stress and I could see her hands getting tired and shivering, and her body in great pain but yet she was fighting herself and supporting her mother until the END and when it was all done she hugged her mother and father and cried. That really moved me to tears too. Hats off to Rakshitha !!

A mother cannot teach the meaning of “Determination” in a better way to a daughter !!! A lesson no school can teach. Sudha Devi, you are an amazing achiever and an inspiration to all of us !!!

Yes !! They did it…

Sudha Ravi and Rakshitha have found a place in the Singapore Book of Records !!

They truly deserve it !

They have mastered this skill over the years and now is the time for the recognition.

Everybody who witnessed the rangoli that day were amazed by the beauty of the art ,the striking colors and  it’s magnificent layout.

With all this on one side, she had also organized a well planned event that evening for the award ceremony, with the guidance of her friend, Mrs.Soundaranayaki Vairavan, the renowned writer and public speaker. As expected of her, Sudha had designed a beautifully decorated reception and stage decor. The event also showcased videos of her works and the making of the Rangoli. Sudha’s mother and brother had come all the way from India to support her. A family’s support is always crucial for any achievement.

She had also prepared a miniature version of her design to be placed on stage. That was an awesome piece too !!

It was a proud moment for Sudha Ravi, Rakshitha and for all of us when they received the certificate from the President of The Singapore book of records, Mr.Ong Eng Huat, in the presence of the Guest of Honour, Mr.R.Dinakaran, Nominated member of Parliament.

“May this success lead to greater achievements in the years to come”.

My heartfelt wishes to the Duo !!


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