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Mr. Kamalahasan and Mr. Madhan – October 1st, 2004

“Tamil in an International Arena” was organized for the second time by the Centre for the Arts, National University of Singapore, on the 11th and 12th of September 2004. It was an effort to bring outstanding academics, entrepreneurs and leading figures of the Tamil community from around the world to address various topics of interest relating to Tamil Art, Literature and Culture.

Tamil Cine field’s one and only Mr.Kamalahasn graced the occasion by delivering a speech on ‘The impact of Tamil movies on the Tamil Diaspora’. Padhmasree Kamalahassan’s speech was followed by the lively question-answer session from the enthusiastic audience and the programme came to an end by screening shots from Mr. Kamalahassan’s hit movies.

There was an overwhelming response from the audience, and the hall was fully packed, which provoked a junior college student to ask Mr. Kamalahaasan as, “Is this conference organized for “Kamal or Tamil?” Mr.Kamalahasan answered in his own affluent way, that, “as Kamal I am happy, and as a Tamilian I am sad”. That session’s chairperson was the cartoonist Mr. Madhan.

Mr: Kamalahasan expressed his agony over the commercialization of the Tamil Movie field which as a result, the standard of the movies has drastically reduced.

He also greatly condemned naming Tamil movies in English. He reminded the fact that none of his movies are named in English and said, he always has the habit to Thank people in Tamil as ‘Nanri’.

The object was to create a forum where Singaporeans and luminaries from around the world could exchange ideas and share their views on issues that are important to both individuals and the community at large. The conference was relevant to each and every participant and proved to be an effective bridge between the University and the Tamil speaking community in Singapore.

The speakers, who had been invited from around the world, pursue a wide range of professional interests. They ranged from captains of industry and academics to leading film personality, renowned musician and professionals. However, all of them shared a common passion for Tamil culture, art and literature, and are working for the uplift of the Indian community in the countries they came from.

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