Sing-Ind Voice

Breaking News

Photo Courtesy: Indian High Commission

21 june 2015 was a red- letter day for India and the international community. It was on that day that 177 nations responded to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call ,at the United Nations in New York,for that day to be declared ” International Yoga Day”.

At a time when the world is riven by inter and intra cultural cultural and religious conflicts, yoga was seen by world leaders as a medium through which to foster peace and goodwill and among Nations, also, at a time of increasing stress and strains in the daily life of millions of people, yoga was seen as a panacea for the health problems facing the people across the world.

At the individual level,yoga fosters the concept of personal responsibility for one’s well-being and peace of mind.
These were among the reasons that led thousands of people, across the globe to come together and take part in the
launch of International Yoga Day on 21 June 2015.

Henceforth, on this day, this ancient gift of India to the world, will serve to bring Mankind together to celebrate peace and harmony through physical activity and meditation.

In Singapore, the Indian High Commission,in collaboration with the People’s Association of Singapore,organised 50 groups across the country. The target of 4000 people was exceeded by a thousand over and I participated in the group at the Indian High Commission With the High Commissioner,Ms Vijay Thakur Singh, herself setting an example,about 80 persons preformed the asanas, with expert guidance by three yoga teachers.

The session included a demonstration of Laughter Yoga,which was hilarious and tension relaxing.I could not help but think how much better this world can be if we can sustain a smile on our faces as we go through our daily chores.
The session ended with Dr Varsha giving a talk on the benefits of yoga.

I went home with light of mind and body and a smile on my face.

I cant wait for June 21st 2016 to come around to be reconnected to the global village through yoga. Meanwhile,I will practise and share what i learnt on International Yoga Day 2015.

Om Shanthi,Shanthi,Santhi.

Singapore Indian Association

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