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Carrot Methi – July 1st, 2004

Ginger-1″ piece (cut into pieces)

Green Chili – 2 (cut into pieces)

Big Onion – 2(slice it thinly)

Garlic – 5 flakes

Methi leaves – 3 bunches (small)

Carrot – 2 cups (cubed)

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

Dhania powder – 11/2 tsp

Salt – needed

Water – needed

Mustard , uradh dhal – Each one tea spoon

Curry leaves a little


Pour a little oil in a khadai. Put the mustard seeds and allow it to spurt. Now add the urad dhal and curry leaves. Then add ginger, garlic, chillies, onions and fry. Now add the methi leaves and stir for some time. Add the carrot pieces to it and stir well. Now add the turmeric powder, dhania powder, salt and needed water. Remove it once it is cooked and it is a suitable dish for chappathis and parottas.



Poppy Seed: 1/4 cup
Milk: 1/2 cup.
Sugar: 1/2 cup.
Ghee: 1/4 cup.


Soak the poppy seeds in milk for one hour. Then grind it to a smooth paste. Put this paste in a heavy bottomed vessel and keep it on the stove. When it starts to bubble add the sugar to it. When the sugar gets dissolved add the ghee little by little. When it leaves the slides of the vessel, ultimately its colour gets changed. Now remove it from fire.


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