Sing-Ind Voice

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Usher in the Festival of Lights with the Indian Heritage Centre (IHC)  presented an array of online and on-site activities and got people into the festive spirit, with Once Upon a Deepavali – Our Shared Stories . Deepavali is known as the ‘Festival of Lights’ because it celebrates the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, and it is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. This year, IHC’s program that were digital offerings explored the unique ways that Deepavali is observed in Singapore by tapping on the collective memory of our communities, highlighting their stories, and engaging in conversations on what Deepavali and its customs and traditions mean to them.

Their  on-site activities took place at the heart of Deepavali festivities in Singapore: Little India. People had an opportunity to hop on to IHC’s Trishaw Trails and reveedl in the sights and sounds as the precinct geared  up to Deepavali!

For more information, visit or IHC’s Facebook page

Source and photo: Indian Heritage Centre

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