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Dental Care – October 1st, 2009

Dr N Nachammai, B.D.S.,
Meenakshi Dental Clinic
# 40, Apparsamy Koil Street
Mylapore, Opp: Sanskirit College
CHENNAI – 600 004. India
Tel: +91 44 4231 2555
Mobile: +91 98407 30209

GINGIVITIS-Inflammation of the gingiva-(gums)

& The gingiva is the part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar processes of the jaws and surrounds the necks of the teeth.
The healthy gingiva is firm and resilient and coral pink in color.

The gingival tissue is constantly subjected to mechanical and bacterial aggressions..Gingivitis is the most common form of all types of gingival diseases.The ccmmon cause for gingivitis is the bacterial plaque and other irritating factors that favor plaque accumulation,which are often present in the gingival environment.In addition, the gingiva can be involved in other diseases, oftentimes but not always related to the usual plaque accumulation.Such other types of

gingival diseases are :

1.Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
2. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis –Viral
3.Allergic gingivitis
4.Gingivitis related to skin disorders such as lichen planus,pemphigus,erythema
multi forme and so forth.
5.Gingivitis associated with pregnancy, puberty ,vitamin C deficiency
6. Gingival enlargement as a response to various pathogenic agents.
7. Different benign and malignant tumors.
Clinical signs and symptoms:

1. Bleeding on probing .
2. Pain in acute conditions.
3. Color changes from coral pink to old rose,depending on the chronicity of the inflammatory process.
4. Diffuse puffiness and softening of the gums.
5. Treatment is to alleviate signs and symptoms and to treat the causative factor.

– Inflammation of the periodontium-(investing and supporting tissues of the tooth,i.e.gingiva,periodontal ligament,cementum and alveolar bone.) Periodontitis is the most common type of periodontal disease resulting from the extension of the inflammatory process initiated in the gingiva to the supporting periodontal tissues.
Clinical features:

1. Chronic inflammatipn of the gingiva
2. Pocket formation
3. Bone loss.
4. Tooth mobility and
5. Pathologic migration.

Treatment is towards the causative factor.

PERICORONITIS-Inflammation of the gingiva in relation to the crown of an incompletely erupted tooth. It occurs most frequently in the lower third molar tooth area.
Clinical features

1. Red and swollen and suppurating lesion
2. Pain that radiates to the ear.throat and floor of the mouth
3. Foul taste
4. Inability to close the jaws
5. Swelling of the cheek in the region of the angle of the jaw and
6. Lymph node enlargement.

In some cases , toxic systemic complications such as fever , malaise may also accompany.

1.Warm saline rinses.
2.Anti inflammatory drugs

With the brief note of the above mentioned oral conditions , we are concluding the topic of common dental problems.

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